Ms Iron Man and Ms Captain America

I wanted to paint a female version of Captain America and Iron Man for my Etsy Store prints. SO this is my take of Captain America Civil War. If women ruled the Marvel Universe, I think there wouldn't have been so much conflict LOL. I practiced painting in a more organized manner, since my usual techniques involved laying down color, light and shadow all at once, which takes a lot of correcting to get it to a finished stage. I'm still refining the painting process for laying down colors on top of a b/w underpainting without a lot of paint overs.





Color layers underneath underpainting layer. The exposed skin of the faces and fingers were tinted with brown on the underpainting layer. The underpainting was set to multiply.

Color layers underneath underpainting layer. The exposed skin of the faces and fingers were tinted with brown on the underpainting layer. The underpainting was set to multiply.

Key Light layer, set on color dodge.

Key Light layer, set on color dodge.

Subsurface scattering layer, set to overlay. Trying to offset the brown tones of the skin.

Subsurface scattering layer, set to overlay. Trying to offset the brown tones of the skin.

Reflective layer, set to color dodge. To  pull out the reflective highlights of the face a little.

Reflective layer, set to color dodge. To pull out the reflective highlights of the face a little.

This process would have worked better with an ambient occlusion underpainting, but sine I had indicated the shadows in that underpainting, I had to do a lot of paint overs to get the colors to what I wanted them to be.

This process would have worked better with an ambient occlusion underpainting, but sine I had indicated the shadows in that underpainting, I had to do a lot of paint overs to get the colors to what I wanted them to be.

Edge lighting and highlighting Linear dodge layer.

Edge lighting and highlighting Linear dodge layer.

Bounce light layer set to color. Had to tone down the left side of the figures with a bluish tone. After this, I had to do some more touch ups to get to the final.

Bounce light layer set to color. Had to tone down the left side of the figures with a bluish tone. After this, I had to do some more touch ups to get to the final.